Termites are not only nuisance pests. They don’t only devour your building foundation but they eat your money too. Termites are the biggest budget ruiner pest. They are known to damage more than 5 billion worth of property in the US.
Getting rid of termites at first sight of them is important otherwise they will cause more worth damage than you are going to require for treatment. Termites are very tiny and target your building foundation and the expensive furniture you bought from hard-earned money.
When we go for any treatment plan to secure our house, it’s obvious to be curious about how long the treatment will work?
How long does termite treatment last?
Termite treatment can last from a year to more than 5 years depending on the treatment type and chemicals used.
Types of treatment
Liquid termite treatment
Bait system (termite bait treatment)
Liquid termite treatment
Liquid termite treatments stay at least 5 years on average bases. Termite exterminator digs a trench around the perimeter and adds chemical (Termite control chemical) in it. These chemicals keep the termites at bay from your house foundation.
Termite bait system
Termite bait systems are placed in your house with planning by an exterminator. This system works the same as other gel baits we use for roaches or ants. When termites wander in search of food they will take the bait, and bring it back to their colonies. This will make the entire termite colony infected and eventually terminate them.
The termite bait system works well for around a year but after that, it needed to be monitored and maintained.
Factors that decrease termite treatment stability

For termite treatments time that any approach will take can differ with the condition of your premises and how big the infected area is.
Holes in termite treatment trench
Sometimes while creating a trench for termite treatment chemical some holes are left. This decrease the efficiency and durability of liquid termite treatment. These holes make the way for a termite to enter the home foundation and destroy it.
Type of termites
The most common termites that infest our homes are the dry wood and subterranean termites. Both termites use different approaches to damage your house. Subterranean termites make a tunnel through soil or mud, whereas dry wood directly targets wood furniture or pillars.
So depending on the time termite treatment stability can vary.
Level of infestation
The degree of infestation is a major reason behind affecting treatment time. The higher the infestation level or bigger the termite colonies more time it takes. It reduces the treatment stability too.
Inspection and retreatment at right time
Sometimes as soon we saw little difference in infestation level or can say as soon treatment works a little bit, we stop the putting efforts. We forgot about the inspection and retreatment. These things look little but become the reason for having infestation again.
Inspection at right time is necessary to check the effectiveness of treatment and to find out how long it will work. At the same time retreatment must be done from time to time if required.
Home environment
Pests come to your in search of food so if they can find the food easily in your home, they will develop the colonies at a faster rate. So exterminators keep in check the wood furniture while inspecting. As wood is the favorite food for termites.