Cockroaches are known to carry a bacteria name salmonella, which can cause diseases having symptoms similar to food poisoning. And that’s not it; having cockroach infestation at your residence or commercial places can cause serious problems, especially allergic causes, and asthma.
It is also proved by World Health Organization (WHO) that cockroaches tend to be unclean scavengers (scavengers means they go out in search of food until they don’t get it).
Cockroach Gel is most widely used to get rid of the cockroach.
Where do cockroaches grow?
Cockroaches are absolutely in love with dark and humid places, places explicitly where the temperature exceeds 70° f. You can’t find them crawling on a sunny day even after many cockroaches are present. They will also scatter as soon as the room fills with brightness.
As we have already discussed, cockroaches are scavengers, so they are most likely to take place at your residence if they find any access to food crumbs or scrapes. They also love to take place in garbage and disposals as there are chances to get a lot of food crumbs.
How cockroaches escalate allergies:
When cockroach crawls all over the floor at your home, they shed their body parts, eggs, and saliva. And similar to dust mites, they have some proteins or allergens that may cause allergies or trigger asthma.
According to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), kids tend to get infected more than adults by cockroach infestation. Approximately 78 to 98% of homes in urban areas have cockroach allergens.
Although cockroaches don’t bite, they scratch a person, which may lead to skin allergy.
Diseases that cockroaches can cause:
Cockroaches are synonyms for poor hygiene and filth. Cockroaches spread many diseases, most of them spread indirectly. They transmit the bacteria they carry to food and the places they crawl.
A cockroach can transmit Salmonellosis, Typhoid Fever, Cholera, Dysentery, Leprosy, Plague, Campylobacteriosis, and Listeriosis.
1. We already discussed that cockroaches carry salmonella bacteria that spread salmonellosis diseases. This bacterium stays in their digestive system for months or more and is transmitted to the food by their vomit and feces.
Symptom of this disease occurs the same as food poisoning in humans, which usually show up 12 to 72 hours later.
2. Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection that occurs by the salmonella typhi bacterium. Cockroach assembles this disease by devouring feces containing bacteria.
A symptom of typhoid fever is high fever, head and muscle ache, exhaustion, and stomach ache.
3. Cholera infection is caused by a vibrio cholera bacterium known as diarrheal infection. Symptoms of this infection don’t show up in 80% of the population, although this bacterium stays in their body for 1-10 days after infecting by cholera. At the same time, others might have some symptoms of dehydration.
4. Dysentery is an infection that spreads through poor hygiene; it’s a kind of gastroenteritis that causes diarrhea with blood. Some people suffer from mild symptoms and recover within one week.
Dysentery infection has two types one is bacillary dysentery, and the second one is Amoebic dysentery.
5. Cockroaches are known to carry many bacteria which cause disease. One of them is Bacillus mycobacterium leprae which is the reason behind leprosy disease. Although this is not highly infectious able cause permanent damage to skin, nerves, and eyes.
6. Cockroaches are suspected of spreading the Yersinia pestis bacterium, which is the reason for bubonic plague. Many people knew the plague as a rodent-borne disease.
Plague symptoms include muscle cramps, high fever, swollen and painful lymph nodes (which contain white blood cells that fight against infection), and chills.
How to get rid of cockroach:
Cockroaches are mainly attracted to a place where water and food crumbs are found, so clean the home after eating and stop all the possible ways cockroaches can feed. Keep the area dry, especially under the sink, and damp.
Seal all the entry points to your home through which cockroaches can enter. Fix all the leaky pipes. Clean up the pet food bowl. Clear out the clutter from the storage closet and drawers. Cockroach feed on the paper also, so make sure to keep the area where newspapers are stored clean and hygienic.
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