Cockroaches are the problem we must have suffered at least once. Having cockroaches in the home is horrible, as they wander everywhere in the kitchen. And it’s an awful experience for especially hygiene lovers. Moreover, cockroaches thrive in warm and dark places.
Roaches find the area where they can easily find food and water source. And once they see the ideal place for them, it is hard to get rid of them afterward. They usually occur inside the cupboard, water heaters, drains, etc. They are also fast crawlers making it hard to find where exactly they hide.
However, if you still don’t want to kill them and just want to keep them at bay methods listed below are for you.
Keep roaches at bay.
There is a variety of things that can keep roaches away from your kitchen without killing them.
Bay leaves
Bay leaves have a strong, pungent smell that cockroaches dislike and stay from. Crush a bunch of dried bay leaves and place it around the kitchen or sprinkle it in the corners. Fresh bay leaves can be used in place of dried ones.
If you know their hiding place, placing the crushed leaves near them will be best. But don’t miss the area behind the refrigerator, cabinets, etc.
Keep the hygiene
Hygiene is the key to keeping pests out. Keeping good hygiene reflects fewer places for roaches to hide and live in. For example, properly sweeping the floor is a technique to keep your house less attractive for cockroaches to come in.
Make sure to dispose of the rubbish out of the house regularly. A clean home is less likely to infest with pests than a dirty one.
Use of traps
Traps are a way to attract the roaches in a particular area and dispose of them together. It is a chemical-free and safe solution to get rid of pests. A simple glass jar can be used to make an effective trap for roaches.
Fill up the empty jar with water till half full. And grease its corner with Vaseline to make it slippery for roaches so they can’t come outside.
Add cute stuff like food scrapes or peanut butter inside the jar to attract roaches.
Place the trap on different areas to trap the cockroach with it.
Cucumber with aluminum
This method proved effective for some, but it had no use for a few others. So try and find how this method reacts to your cockroach problem.
Cucumber attracts cockroaches. But putting it in aluminum causes a chemical reaction and extracts a weird smell. This peculiar putrid smell leads to cockroach death.
Sticky traps
The use of sticky tapes isn’t something that you try. But it’s worth capturing cockroaches. Use good quality sticky tape and arrange it near cracks, openings, and places where you doubt cockroach activity.
Cockroaches are most active at night. Therefore, it will be best to do the process before bed.
A cockroach can cause harmful diseases, so it is necessary to keep them at bay. But if they keep coming back, so will be better to use a permanent solution like cockroach gel baits.