Is DIY pest control effective? FAQs

Common insects like a cockroach to rodents like rats are big trouble to homeowners. On the list of significant homeownership tasks controlling these pests is included. Preventing them as soon you notice them can prove key to terminating them early.

And to do DIY pest control is a practical, time-saving, and inexpensive method. DIY pest control shows exceptional results when dealing with a small number of pests. You can save time and money and stop these pests in this situation.

On the other hand, pests carry deadly diseases, and you can save your family from a significant illness at an early stage. But pest control experts are a good choice if your pest infestation has reached the level where it seems impossible to control them.

How to use DIY (Do-It-Yourself) pest control?

For effective pest control, it is must know the problem first. With this knowledge of the problem and the infestation level, it will be easy to choose what solution fits best. Consider your goal and choose the best suitable DIY method.

DIY products are ready to use and can be used by following the label's instructions. However, read the education and precautions carefully before using any product.

How long does DIY pest control take?

It depends on the infestation level you are dealing with. Other than that, some environmental factors like moisture and temperature also make a difference in the time for pest treatment. Case-by-case DIY pest control can take days to weeks to eliminate the pests.

DIY natural solution

Some ingredients in our kitchen can help us deal with pests. Baking soda, bay leaves, and lemon are some substances that help get rid of pests.

Baking soda and boric acid

Baking soda or boric acid is a dehydration substance that kills pests by drying their skeleton. These fine powder sticks to pests' bodies and block the oxygen for them, leading to their deaths.

Boric acid and baking soda can be used directly and sprayed them. Or bait can also be prepared by using sugar and boric acid. This method works wonderfully, especially for cockroaches and ants.


vinegar as DIY for pests


Chinese has become the favorite food of everyone. If you love Chinese vinegar must have an exit in your kitchen. But vinegar use doesn't only limit to tasty dishes. Its wide use also helps in controlling the pest problem of the house.

Is pest control necessary?

Pest control is necessary to control the infestation of harmful insects like bed bugs, cockroaches, and many more. Otherwise, these pests can transfer dangerous bacteria and lead to severe diseases. Homeowners sometimes avoid these pests, but this will only lead to more trouble.

How does a pest enter the home?

Pests continually search for the best food and water source for them. And thus, they enter your home for food through tiny cracks you don't notice. Ventilation, windows, and chimney opening are a few of the pest's favorite options to enter your home.

Pests like spiders and ants enter your house through shrubs, trees, and gardens. So seal any cracks and leakage and close all the possible ways for pests to enter.


  • Dec 03, 2022
  • Category: Blogs
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