Farmers always have to struggle with the weed problem. Weeds have been a vital problem since the beginning of agriculture. Weed occupied the water and nutrients meant for crops and leads to the efficiency of nutrients in crops.
Using herbicides has proved a prominent solution to control weeds. Biological control or natural pest control doesn’t eradicate the weed problem but it decreases the weed population continuously.
What is a weed?
Some plants that work as pests for others are named Weed. Weeds are the natural enemy of plants or crops.
What is biological control of weeds?

Biological control of weeds includes living organisms insects, and bacteria, to name a few. When we use chemicals to control any crops related problem, we interrupt the natural cycle of the environment. And end disturbing ecosystem cycles too. But with the use of biological control, we protect the natural cycle of the environment.
How does it work?
Its roots work to provide nutrients and water to the plant. So in the biological control method, some agents are added to the soil that is attached to roots and helps them to provide nutrients to plants. Beneficial insects are also very much of help as they directly feed on the weed and insects.
What is organic herbicide?
Organic herbicides are the substance that kills weeds. These herbicides include weed pharm, C-cide, green match, weed zap, etc. Organic herbicides are good and fast at terminating the weeds that are small in size. Organic herbicide burns the top of the weed.
But organic herbicides work a little slower when it comes to fully developed weeds. A recent study has also concluded that the first stage of weed is much easier to control than older ones.
Can herbicide control weeds and insects both?
Herbicides include many ways to terminate weed. But the chemicals that we use as an herbicide in bio-control can terminate both weeds and insects. Herbicides are used by using two primary methods.
Soil application
Foliar application
Soil application is mostly used for weed control but the foliar application is effective to break weed and pest termination.
How biological herbicides are used?

One approach to weed control includes the use of fungus to terminate the weed problem. The fungus also has proved 99% effective in controlling weeds in rice crops, without damaging them. If fungus is used at the seedling stage then the result of this technique is exceptional.
This method doesn’t include any new organism t treat weed. It’s just the use of host-specific pathogens at right time. This method is also prominent for integrated weed control.
Aquatic weed control
Using biological herbicides for water control has many disadvantages. Insects, plant pathogens, and fish are widely used methods for aquatic weed control. And the popular method of use of fish for water weed control is still not completely proven favorable.
Foliar method
In this method chemicals are used to treat weeds and pests as well. in this treatment chemicals are used as a solution and sprayed on the crops where you have an infestation.
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