Pesticides are harmful, why? Solution for this

Pesticides are chemical substances used in different areas to get rid of pests. Pesticides can be chemical and bio-pesticides like viruses, bacteria, etc. The most commonly used pesticides are to kill insects, herbicides for weeds, fungicides for fungi, and rodenticides for rodents.

But, the pesticide is a collection of substances that results in terminating or preventing the pest problem.

Why are pesticides harmful?

Pesticides are of two types biodegradable and persistent. Biodegradable are those which break into microbes and other harmless livening compounds. But persistent one stays on earth for a more extended period and causes harm to nature. 

Toxic chemicals in pesticides are meant to kill pests, and they do so too, but a large portion of these chemicals also there unnecessarily. As a result, those unused chemicals stay on the earth longer and harm the environment. In addition, leftovers of pesticides enter the air and water in various ways.

Pesticides also have human hazards, such as short- or long-term health impacts. Short-term risks such as headaches and long-term problems can include cancer and reproductive harm.

These pesticides are another considerable hazard is they reduce soil biodiversity. But on the other hand, the soil not served with chemicals has higher water retention and higher soil quality, which helps the plant grow well and fight against pests.

Acute and chronic health hazards

Immediate results like skin burning, redness and irritation in the eyes, burning in the nose and throat, stinging, rashes, and blisters are a few examples of actual health hazards that pesticides cause. In addition, people with asthma disease can face severe reactions to pesticides. In some cases, pesticide side effects look like regular flu, and hard to tell the difference. Sometimes, doctors couldn't tell the difference and misdiagnosed the pesticide poisoning. If you face this situation, inform your doctor about pesticide exposure because the doctor may not think about it while checking you.

In chronic cancer, nervous and brain system damage can be the result. Regular results may not appear immediately; sometimes, it takes months to appear those results. But they are deadly and have long-term impacts.

Vulnerability to children/toddlers

children are most vulnerable to pesticide exploration as their organs and immune system are still developing. In addition, their naughty behavior and nature put them at greater risk of being near pesticide chemicals. Children's skin is more prone to get damaged easily by chemical use.

Alternative of pesticide

Organic pesticides of natural substances are the best alternative for pesticides. Biological pesticides are one of the most efficient and easy-to-use alternatives against pests. These are way more similar to chemical pesticides but with the benefit of safety during and after use.

Besides, bio-pest control is good for treating pests in a large area, such as a field without chemicals. In bio-control, living organisms control harmful insects and deal with them.



  • Jan 09, 2023
  • Category: Blogs
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