
As the cool breeze wafts through the windows, and the warmth of home beckons, it's not uncommon to share our living spaces with some uninvited guests – spiders. India, with its diverse climate and ecosystems, is home to a variety of spider species. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of spiders that commonly find their way into Indian homes and discuss ways to keep them at bay, including the use of spider repellents.

Common House Spider (Tegenaria domestica):

One of the most familiar arachnids found in Indian homes is the common house spider. Recognizable by its long, spindly legs and a brownish color, this species constructs messy webs in corners and dark spaces. Despite their intimidating appearance, common house spiders are harmless and play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.

Cellar Spider (Pholcidae):

Also known as daddy longlegs, cellar spiders are characterized by their delicate appearance and long, thin legs. They typically dwell in dark, damp areas like basements and crawl spaces. While their presence may startle some, these spiders are harmless to humans and feed on smaller insects.

Redback Spider (Latrodectus hasselti):

Occasionally found in homes, particularly in southern and central India, the redback spider is known for its venomous bite. Though bites are rare and typically result in mild symptoms, it's essential to exercise caution. Redback spiders tend to hide in sheltered areas, and prompt identification is crucial for ensuring safety.

Jumping Spider (Salticidae):

With their distinctive appearance and impressive jumping abilities, jumping spiders are a common sight in Indian homes. These small, agile arachnids are often recognized by their unique eye arrangement. While harmless to humans, they are formidable hunters, capturing prey with precision leaps.

Spider Repellents:

For those who prefer to keep spiders at a distance, spider repellents can be an effective solution. These repellents come in various forms, including sprays, ultrasonic devices, and natural remedies. Here are a few tips to repel spiders:

a. Natural Oils: Essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus are known for their spider-repelling properties. Mixing a few drops with water and spraying it in spider-prone areas can act as a deterrent.

b. Vinegar: A mixture of white vinegar and water can be sprayed on surfaces to discourage spiders. The strong odor acts as a repellent without harming humans or pets.

c. Cedarwood Products: Spiders dislike the scent of cedarwood. Using cedarwood sachets, blocks, or essential oil in closets and corners can help keep them away.


Living harmoniously with spiders in our homes is possible, given their essential role in controlling insect populations. However, for those seeking a spider-free environment, the use of spider repellents, along with regular cleaning and maintenance, can be an effective strategy. By understanding the types of spiders commonly found in Indian homes and adopting preventive measures, we can create a comfortable living space for both humans and arachnids.

  • Jan 04, 2024
  • Category: Blogs
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