The mosquito problem starts as soon as summer knocks on the door. But mosquitoes aren't pleasant feeling like summers after winter. Along with a lot of nuisance, they carry a lot of diseases too. And that is why they are dangerous too.
They spread viruses and germs around wherever they stay. Moreover, when infected mosquitoes spread germs, it can be hazardous to human health. For example, some mosquitoes spread harmful diseases West Nile, Zika, and Dengue, to name a few. Therefore, getting rid of mosquitoes is essential to prevent getting sick and protect yourself.
It becomes easier to manage mosquitoes if you set methods to control mosquitoes. Here we will be discussing three strategies to deal with the mosquito problem.
Source reduction
Larviciding and adulticiding
Chemical reduction
Source reduction
When you have complete information about the problem and its source, it becomes less complicated, and the correct solution can be carried out. For example, standing water is the most significant source for having mosquito infestation. It is because mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
And if you eliminate the source, they will need somewhere to stick around your place. Next, keep water from collecting nearby. Then, regularly clean the bird's water; also, there should be no accumulated water in plants for too long. Finally, eliminate the containers that can be a source of standing water.
Larviciding and adulticiding
Larviciding is a method where we terminate the mosquito at the larvae stage. Different products or substances are used to kill the larvae. Larvicides are safe enough not to harm other living organisms in the water. However, we can encounter larvae in standing water. Larvicide is essential in controlling larvae before they emerge in the adult mosquito.
Adulticide is the last step to terminate/kill the mosquito from your house.
Chemical reduction
As the name says, it includes chemical spray techniques like fogging to control the mosquito problem. Chemical pesticides are sprayed directly on the mosquito and their breeding. By use of this method, larvae and adults in both stages of mosquito can be terminated. This method is used for both indoor and outdoor purposes.
Prevention is a critical point in any pest control technique. It can stop the infestation from spreading further. And it helps you keep mosquitoes at bay after you terminate them.
Keep any standing water source from staying near your house in your garden.
Clear the clutter - old newspapers or magazines; empty boxes should be cleared.
Seal pack the leftover food, and don't let any food or eating items uncovered.
Fill any water containers, such as water for pets and birds, with new water daily.
Keep the empty pots in check. There should be water collected only for a short period.
Maintain the mosquito screen guard for doors, windows, and ventilation.
Manage the water during the rainy season, and keep it from collecting near your house.
Use some permanent source of mosquito control. For example, you can use organic spray, mosquito-prevent plants, and DIY spray (neem spray, to name a few).
To buy organic mosquito repellent click here.