The bedbug is a nasty nuisance pest; in some cities, it's become almost impossible to deal with bed bugs. Although bed bugs don't spread any disease, they are a big troublemaker to you and your piece. Bed bugs are enough to make you think, "Oh god, how to get rid of bed bugs."
Bed bugs are small oval-shaped, and tiny size pests of white color. Bed bugs feed on human blood and get converted into reddish tints, which feel very disgusting even only looking at them. The bed bug can easily live several days without blood, i.e., it can spend several days in your home waiting for you so it may be able to feed on your blood.
There is a list of cities where an infestation of bed bugs reaches its top:
1. Chicago
2. Washington DC
3. Baltimore
4. Detroit
5. Columbus OH
6. Cleveland OH
7. Indianapolis
8. Cincinnati
9. Los Angeles
10. Grand Rapids MI
Where does bed bug hide?
Bed bugs are tiny insects that can hide in corners, cracks, and services. Bed bug hides in places where they can easily bite you. Bed bugs mostly hide at bed corners and cervixes, sofa corners, window cervixes, door corners, and under the carpet. However, the bed can be in other places and later move to where it can feed on your blood.
Can bed bugs harm you?
As I have said, bed bugs don't spread diseases, but they feed on your blood, and their bites are very painful. Bed bug bites are known to cause red bumps or patches everywhere where they bite you. In addition, bed bug bites are very itchy and often grouped in a line or cluster of multiple bites.
Although bed bugs can bite you anywhere, they usually bite the exposed body area such as the neck, hand, face, arms, legs, etc. Bed bug mainly bites you while you sleep.
Why bed bugs enter your house?
Bed bugs don't enter your house looking for warmth, humidity, and unhygienic surrounding like cockroaches and other pests. They can join your residence even after complete hygiene. Then why do they come? (Also read Why do bed bugs come back?)
They make existence in your house when you visit somewhere infested by bed bugs. Or they come with your belongings, your luggage when you stay abroad, or other areas infested with bed bugs.
Top 10-bed bug cities:
1. Chicago:
Windy cities are widely popular when it comes to planning to tour abroad. And Chicago is broadly famous because almost 48 million people visit Chicago annually. Although during covid 19 phase, there were fewer tourists in 2020 still, according to Orkin's conducted bed bug treatment report in metro city-states, Chicago reached the number 1 position this year in the bed bug city list even though Chicago was on number 3 last year.
2. Washington DC:
The city maintained its popularity at the top for the last three years but somehow landed to number 2 this year.
3. Detroit and Baltimore:
Detroit and Baltimore majorly attract tourists because of their Fox Theater and water art gallery or museum art, respectively, but they are also known to be found in the top 10-bed bug city list.
4. Columbus OH:
This city has a population of 1644000, which is known as a growing and prospering city and still falls at number 5 on the top bed bug city list according to Orkin's December 2019 to November 2020. So it forces us to think about what will happen if bed bug infestation occurs in India.
5. Grand Rapids MI and Cleveland OH:
According to last year's report, Grand Rapids MI, and Cleveland OH weren't included in the top-10 list, but this time reports prove them to be at number 10 and 6, respectively.
6. Indianapolis:
Indianapolis is famous for hosting the world's most significant single-day sporting event number of the population that joined this event increased yearly. For example, last year, it increased by 1.46%. And if this year you are also planning t join this event which will take place on 23 August this year. Then this might be subject to concern because every year, with the increasing number of the population joining this event, the number of bed bugs in this city also increases.
7. Los Angeles:
Almost everyone, especially when it comes to people who are crazy about Hollywood, knows that it's a city where you can meet your favorite celebrity in person, as this is widely known for its TV, movie, and music industry. But tiny one knows that it's also known for its bed bug popularity, yes! As a result, it falls into number 9 in the top 10-bed bug city list.
The cities we discussed are taken from Orkin's conducted bed bug treatment in metro cities list from December 2019 to November 2020.